Successful project management begins before the project starts. During the planning phase, the foundation is laid for a smooth progress and excellent project results or – in case of shortcomings and misjudgements – for later time pressure, mental stress, and cost overruns.

Services during the planning phase:

  • Project architecture and design: definition of targets, requirements, deliveries, as well as support in the establishment of the approach/ processes
  • Stakeholder management: identification of the relevant stakeholders and their specific interests, needs, and wishes, constructiveinvolvement of the people and areas affected and their network
  • Communication strategy: drafting a communication strategy, early identification and, where appropriate, supporting the key people
  • Time, budget, and resource planning: less is more – realistic intermediate steps and resource planning based on the desired target status
  • Selection of consultants: support in the bidding process for consulting services, in the verification of proposals, and the final selection of external partners

During the lifecycle of the project, regular, independent monitoring with a clear outside perspective helps to identify early on and to take targeted countermeasures against controlling errors and disruptions in the process and in the co-operation as well as difficulties of individuals. Predictive support prevents problems before they arise.

Services during the project:

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